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How To Choose the Best Water Damage Restoration Company in Tucson

SEO CH • Sep 30, 2023

If your home or business sustained water damage after a flood or a plumbing problem, you need the best water damage restoration company you can find to help remedy the issue and hopefully recover some of your belongings. Choosing an inexperienced company can end up stressing you out and even cause more damage if they don’t know how to safely clean up the area.

This post will go over what a water damage restoration company does during a service call and offer tips for choosing a reliable company. When you need a trusted team for water damage restoration in Tucson, reach out to Steam Smart Pro. 

What To Do When You Have Water Damage

After a stressful event, it’s shocking to discover extensive damage to your home or business. If you’ve never experienced a disaster like this before, you may not know what to do. Here are a few steps to take when you discover water damage.

1. Examine the Area and Document Damage

The first thing you want to do is examine the entire area to measure the extent of the damage. If a storm caused the damage, watch for hazards like fallen trees or broken glass.

Take pictures of every bit of damage. The goal is to document damaged areas for your insurance claim. In addition, documenting everything can help you communicate with your water damage restoration company to let them know the extent of service you need. It’s not easy to remember details after a stressful event, and taking photos will help you identify structural damage and any other areas that need repair. 

2. Prevent Additional Damage

Cover any holes in the walls or ceiling to prevent more water from coming in. If it’s safe, clean up puddles of water to prevent mold growth until the water damage restoration company arrives to provide service.

3. Contact Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible so they can send an adjuster to your home. They need to assess the damage, both on the site and through the pictures you took. Insurance may cover some or all of the damage, so don’t delay contacting your insurance company.

Finding a Water Damage Restoration Company

There are many businesses that offer water damage restoration services. To begin your search, pinpoint what services you need. Some typical services include:

  • Mold Remediation
  • Carpet Cleaning
  • Stone and Tile Treatment
  • Odor Control
  • Document Restoration

Once you find a few local businesses that offer the services you need, you can start to narrow down your options. Here are some things to consider during your research to find the best water damage restoration company.

Quick Service

Water damage requires quick treatment to avoid secondary problems and to prevent the existing damage from growing larger. Mild structural damage quickly turns serious when water floods the area, and you need a company that can provide emergency service.

Social Proof

These days, there are many platforms for customers to leave reviews for local businesses. Read the available reviews to gain a general sense of the trustworthiness and reliability of a business. Take reviews with a grain of salt, because disgruntled customers are more likely to leave a review than customers who are thrilled with service.

Ask for References

A great way to find a trustworthy business is to ask friends and family for a recommendation. Word of mouth has always been a great way to find contractors. If you don’t know anyone with experience working with a water damage restoration company, ask online neighborhood groups. You will inevitably find at least one person with a recommendation for a local business, no matter what type of service you need.

Choose an Insured Contractor

Always choose a fully insured contractor. They work in hazardous areas, and if they end up with an injury while on your property, you could be held liable if they don't have their own insurance. If you opt for a business that costs less but isn’t insured, you could end up spending a lot more if something goes wrong.

Detailed Estimate

It’s a good idea to get an estimate before you decide on a business. Your insurance company may require one, and it will help you gain an idea of how long it will take for the water damage restoration company to complete the job. Make sure the estimate includes all materials, labor, and removal fees if there is a lot of excess debris that the company needs to get rid of. If a damage restoration company can’t provide a detailed estimate, they may not have the experience required to do a thorough job.

Help With Your Insurance Claim

An experienced business works with insurance companies regularly. They have the knowledge to walk you through the process of filing a claim; this way, the insurance company has all the information they need to provide you with compensation so you can afford the expert repair service.

Reliable Water Damage Restoration Company in Denver

Extensive water damage can ruin your furniture, keepsakes, and important documents. A water damage restoration company can help minimize damage by carefully drying the floors, walls, and contents of your home or business. Finding the right professionals, however, isn't easy. You'll need to do extensive research, ask the right questions, and double-check a company's credentials. When looking for the best water damage restoration company, make sure to read online reviews and get a detailed estimate before you hire them for service.

Steam Smart Pro can identify new vs. old water damage and help minimize damage to your home or business. We are a top-quality company that's committed to helping our clients from beginning to end. Our experts have the experience, skills, and dedication necessary to provide you with the results you deserve.

Work with the best water damage restoration company available! Fill out our online form for an instant service quote, or call 520-416-4308 to schedule service in Denver and the surrounding areas. Get help with the restoration process today.

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