Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning 

How Long Does Water Damage Restoration Take?

SEO CH • Aug 30, 2023

Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning can have your home as good as new with our water damage restoration services. Call today to schedule reliable service!

Whether your home faces water damage from a plumbing mishap or a natural disaster, treating the damage can be a difficult and lengthy process. So, how long does water damage restoration take? As a reliable water damage restoration service in Tucson, Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning has your answer below.

Read on to discover how the restoration professionals clean up water damage, including how long the process takes. 

Weigh The Size and Scope of the Project

Think about how long it will take you to clean up a small puddle of water from your bathroom versus several inches of floodwater in your basement. The basement is not only a bigger space but has more room for water damage, so it will take much longer to clean every nook and cranny. 

How long water damage takes will depend on the size and scope of the project. The amount of damage that the restoration experts have to tackle will also directly impact the total time you can expect the project to take. 

If the damage is confined to one small room, it will usually be faster to restore than a project that covers an entire home. Still, one way that you can reduce the restoration and cleanup timeline is by waterproofing your home. This approach also helps you prevent water from entering the space and keep your possessions and valuables nice and dry. 

Consider the Type of Material Affected

If you've ever spilled a drink on carpet flooring, you know that the spot takes a while to dry. But imagine how long it would take to dry if your entire house flooded! Restoring homes with carpet floors takes longer, but many other materials also impact the process.

For example, water can severely damage hardwood floors. The natural wood soaks up the moisture and can warp and crack after a while. This type of restoration process will take much longer to complete since the crew not only has to remove the water but also repair damage to the floors. 

Similarly, most people imagine that concrete floors will hold up well to water damage sources, but they are porous and can let moisture seep into them to cause weakening in the structure. It may be easy to clean up minor spills on concrete, but if water floods the space, there’s a big risk of long-term damage without a total restoration, and the same goes for many other materials.

Allow Enough Time for the Drying Process

Every water damage restoration project begins by drying out the space. There can't be any moisture present when the team gets to work repairing your property's structure. Experienced professionals will facilitate the process by installing heavy-duty blowers throughout the space to remove excess moisture. 

When people ask, "How long does water damage restoration take," the experts will usually tell them that it depends on how long the space takes to dry. In fact, the drying process can be one of the most time-consuming steps of the project. It's important to be patient during this phase, especially if you have a large amount of water in your home.

Most projects require 72 hours for the space to fully dry before the experts start the restoration. 

Deep Clean All Surfaces

Beyond the drying process, property sanitization takes up a good chunk of time and is one step that no crew can skip. Dangerous contaminants can enter your home through floodwater, while sewage is equally harmful, such as when your pipes burst or your toilet overflows. The longer that water sits within your home, the more time it has to collect contaminants and distribute them to every corner and crevice.

These contaminants impact your health, so it’s necessary to deep-clean all surfaces as part of the restoration process. A team like Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning will use industry-strength cleaning agents that kill all germs and bacteria and make your home less susceptible to mold growth. By eliminating all traces of bacteria, you can avoid the following health problems:

  • Difficulty breathing
  • Eye or throat irritation
  • Severe allergy symptoms

Promptly Address Health Concerns

Severe flooding after pipe leaks or storm damage affects furniture and potentially your property’s structural integrity. However, it also leads to mold growth. And all it takes is a small amount of moisture to produce dangerous mold. 

This harmful fungus can cause a variety of health concerns, so it's critical that a restoration team removes any spores throughout the space. The mold removal process is thorough to ensure your safety, and the team checks every crevice to ensure that no mold or mildew spores remain.

Some restoration services will also do asbestos testing on any home or structure built prior to 1985. Older homes are more prone to asbestos build-up, and you can't tear through drywall before running tests. 

Refurbish the Space

How long will it take before the space is safe again after water damage restoration? Depending on the size and scope of the project, drying and sanitizing the space will take a few days. Then, refurbishing the space can begin.

Flooding can damage various structures, including flooring, beams, and columns. Making repairs to these areas precedes using the space, and this may also include repainting in areas where the paint has started to peel due to water damage. 

All of these tasks add up to determine the total length of time for your project. If you face minimal structural damage and don’t need repainting, you’ll be back in your home quicker.

We'll Restore Your Home After Facing Water Damage

How long does water damage restoration take in Tucson, Arizona? A local team like Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning would be happy to provide you with more information. If you need to get your home back after any type of flooding, why not let us check whether your drywall has water damage and test for mold? 

Ensure a safe space for yourself and your family—call Steam Smart Pro Carpet Duct & Tile Cleaning at 520-416-4308 today to explore our water damage restoration services!

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